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Banner Data Powers Innovation support construction Case Study

Data Powers Innovation in Digital Analytics with Bird.i

Bird.i needed a partner and platform that would provide high quality data, in volumes that would allow experimentation to prove the idea out and at a pace that would allow them to get to market faster.



Satellite imagery to solve business problem in construction industry


Bird.i had an innovative idea for utilising satellite imagery to solve a real business problem in the construction industry. They know first-hand that there is a lot of competition in the digital analytics domain, so it was important to differentiate their offering, get to market quickly and build a solution with a great customer experience.

In order to launch their product, Bird.i needed a partner and platform that would provide high quality data, in volumes that would allow experimentation to prove the idea out. They also required a pace that would allow them to get to market faster.

In many international construction projects, decisions are based on progress and hitting certain milestones. At scale, there is a heavy reliance on accurate status reporting at each stage of the construction cycle, leaving ample room for error.

Even these small inaccuracies can affect decision making further along the process, which is where data from Bird.i comes in. Many of these construction companies operate using free but inaccurate data and a network of ground resources to report on project progress.

Our solution

Bird.i keeps a constantly updated record of the latest and historic satellite imagery. OneAtlas Data is designed to support innovators like Bird.i, and helps enable the Bird.i service to communicate directly with OneAtlas Data to provide imagery to users.

By providing simple-to-use cloud-based API access to a fresh premium archive, processed in the cloud, updated daily, and accessible immediately, OneAtlas Data helps Bird.i display accurate and timely satellite data to their customers.

OneAtlas Data helps innovators get started faster by giving them quick and easy access to premium imagery in both streaming and download formats. It is designed to lower risk and encourage experimentation - with its subscription-based pricing and no minimum order size - making before and after pictures available through an intuitive experience.

Bird.i wanted a partner that could be relied upon to help them launch their new business, would nurture their technology and showed flexibility in their investment model.

Access to the latest Pléiades and SPOT satellite imagery offers stakeholders accurate, up-to-date ‘true’ views of any ground activity across the globe, giving them verifiable insights into construction progress. With this more accurate data, comes better informed business decisions.

Bird.i’s solution provides measurable results, with clients like Thomson Reuters averaging a 40% increase in the efficiency of their construction project reporting.

OneAtlas Data has been developed for the future. Today, it takes advantage of the latest imagery and technology available, and for tomorrow, the roadmap in place incorporates ground-breaking engineering, like new satellites, high altitude pseudo-satellites and drones.

Developed with OneAtlas Data and a part of Bird.i’s Intelligence Service, the New Construction Tracker (NCT) automatically detects new projects using optical Earth observation imagery and delivers these insights to its customers in a simple, interpretable format. The core technology leverages machine learning and computer vision algorithms developed specifically for construction detection.

Data powers innovation
Data Power innovation - focus on an aera of interest
Data powers innovation


  • Flexible access through APIs
  • Designed for Analytics innovators
  • Both streaming and download options available.
  • An ever-improving ecosystem of satellites that is developed for the future
  • Consistency and reliability
  • Flexible subscription-based pricing
  • Constantly updated satellite imagery
Organisation involved

Airbus’ performance is consistently top notch - we never experience technical issues or downtime. The service is truly 5-star for quality, stability and reliability.

CEO of Bird.i

Bird.i logo

Bird.i was founded with an aim to make satellite imagery accessible, affordable and usable for the everyday business user. To do this, Bird.i curates the world’s best satellite imagery into one platform, offering access through either their online portal or API.

Bird.i also offers an Intelligence Service which adds the power of Artificial Intelligence into the mix, bringing business users reliable, automated data using Bird.i’s proprietary machine learning models.

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