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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

Banner Military Mission Planning Operation

At the Heart of Intelligence-Led Operations

A combination of solutions to provide strategic insight, help anticipate threats and support operations.


Armed Forces around the world share a number of common and constant objectives: to know where a threat is located and what actions are being prepared. Gaining this insight calls for efficient tools to collate the intelligence requirements, gather the required intelligence and disseminate it to the right people or organisations and enable informed decision-making.

Airbus systems and solutions to feed common operational picture

Our solution

In response to these challenges, Airbus Defence and Space Intelligence has developed an integrated suite of tools to help manage the intelligence cycle and answer requests in a joint and multi-national context.

This capability provides the following core functions:

  • An IRM & CM (Intelligence Requirement Management & Collection Management) function (Fortion® Workflow), in order to plan and manage Intelligence collection and production using Airbus’ solutions and/or the customers’ own capabilities
  • Multi-sources / -domains Intelligence analysis and correlation (I4D)
  • Capitalisation in a relational structured Intelligence Knowledge Database (Fortion® IMINT KDB)
  • A secure dissemination function (Fortion® CSD) to share information between relevant people and organisations, on the basis of ‘need-toknow’ as defined by the operational context

In short, Airbus’ solution combines its strengths in multi-int knowledge building, GeoINT (and its visualisation benefits) and intelligence production. Through the use of the IRM and CM, as well as sharing and dissemination functions, Airbus is able to guarantee that the intelligence cycle and Joint ISR processes are fully synchronised to satisfy intelligence requirements.


  • Mono-source Intelligence multiplier effect through permanent interaction between information and capitalisation
  • Reliable Common Intelligence Picture (CIP) to feed the Common Operational Picture (COP)
  • Efficient and secure sharing and dissemination of intelligence production

Airbus’ solution supports the national defence intelligence community through the provision of tools, functions and capabilities for intelligence-led operations, at tactical and strategic levels. It also supports shared intelligence awareness and understanding in all phases of the intelligence cycle to provide strategic insight, help anticipate threats and support operations.

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