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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

Defence Air C2 technology Solutions

Air C2 - Air Command and Control solutions

Our unique Air Command and Control solutions support the preparation and execution of increasingly complex missions.

Want to know more about our solutions?

Defence Air C2 Solutions application domain image

State-of-the art technology for air sovereignty

We provide Air Forces with unique and innovative Command and Control systems in the field of airspace management, air traffic control and air surveillance operations.
In addition, securing the safety of nations against threats, we provide Air Force operators and Commanding Centres with solutions for Ground Based Air Defence.

Fortion® 1SkyControl

Sovereignty and security of national and coalition airspace

Fortion® 1SkyTower

Ensuring a safe approach for military aircrafts and Air Forces

Fortion® SAMOC

Strategic level planning and coordination of ground-based air defence assets

Fortion® IBMS

Qualified Command and Control software at execution level

Our latest case studies

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Geoimage monitors the progress of construction sites
Oil, Gas, Mining and Energy
Pléiades Neo

The use of Pléiades Neo HD15 and Mosaic in mining and construction monitoring - Geoimage Australia

Geoimage monitors the progress of construction sites while minimizing its impact on the environment

Civil Engineering and Infrastructure

Satelytics’ Vegetation Managment Algorithms Keep Utility Infrastructure Safe

By Analyzing Wire Zone Encroachment and Strike Potential with Pleiades Stereo Images

Civil Engineering and Infrastructure

Southern Company Monitors Utility Rights-of-Way Encroachments

Monitoring enroachments in transmission line corridors with tasking satellite imagery from Airbus and analysis from Satelytics