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Defence and Space

Pléiades Neo Story illustration

Pléiades Neo Story

Pléiades Neo Story

The Pléiades Neo programme is now a reality in orbit. Follow the story about this brand-new satellite constellation, set to ensure the continuity of the Pléiades mission.


Airbus statement following Pléiades Neo 5 and 6 loss

Early yesterday morning, Arianespace announced the loss of the Vega C mission, which was carrying our two Pléiades Neo satellites (Pléiades Neo 5 and 6) that were meant to complete our constellation.


Pléiades Neo 5&6 will take-off in December!

The new launch date has been set by Arianespace for December 20th. Our twins are in perfect shape and fully ready to complete the Pléiades Neo constellation. Great thanks to the entire team for all their preparatory work!

Pléiades Neo - Hoisting launch

Image: © 2022 ESA-CNES-ARIANESPACE / Optique vidéo CSG - S.MARTIN


It’s the final countdown!

Just 24 hours until we officially reshape Earth-observation based services like never this space for live updates on the day!

Pléiades Neo: Two days before the Launch!

2 days before the launch

Pléiades Neo: Get Ready for the Launch! With 2 days to go, the final two Pléiades Neo satellites are ready to launch from Kourou, French Guyana on 24th November 2022. Scheduled to launch on a Vega-C launcher, they will be soon joining the family in orbit!

Pléiades Neo 30cm native resolution imagery

Take a look at this selection of Pléiades Neo 30cm-native resolution imagery with unprecedented precision!

We are eager to discover the next Pléiades Neo satellite images that are coming very soon!

Pléiades Neo: Just one week until the Launch!

Just one week until the launch!

Only one week is left to reshape Earth-observation based services: the final two Pléiades Neo satellites will join the family next week to form the Pléiades Neo constellation. The four identical satellites, operating in Sun-synchronous orbit, will deliver 30cm resolution imagery and the most accurate native geolocation ever available.

Pléiades Neo 5/6 launch four stars align

Like any ambitious project, getting to this point has taken a lot of commitment, time and energy…but now really is the moment the stars align.

This November we’ll be launching the final two very high-resolution optical satellites to complete the Pléiades Neo constellation and usher in a new era for Earth observation.

Delivering the highest commercially available resolution combined with the most accurate geolocation, 2 million km² of daily acquisition capacity and ultimate reactivity with state-of-the-art ground segment technology, this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The launch of the final two satellites this November represents the completion of the Pléiades Neo constellation and the dawn of a new era in very high-resolution Earth observation.

Entirely financed, manufactured, owned and operated by Airbus, Pléiades Neo is a breakthrough in the domain, offering 100% commercial availability and a range of never-before-seen opportunities.

Pléiades Neo 5/6 launch complete constellation

The Complete Earth observation Constellation

The launch of the final two satellites this November represents the completion of the Pléiades Neo constellation and the dawn of a new era in very high-resolution Earth observation. Entirely financed, manufactured, owned and operated by Airbus, Pléiades Neo is a breakthrough in the domain, offering 100% commercial availability and a range of never-before-seen opportunities.


The launch of the final two satellites in French Guyana has now been shifted to 24th November 2022 - 22h47 - Kourou time (25th November – 1h47 UTC / 25th November – 2h47 CET) due to a small delay in the launcher preparation. The satellites are ready to launch and the wait is almost over until the ultimate Earth observation service is complete!

Stay tuned!

Pléiades Neo 5/6 launch stars will- align

The launch of the final two satellites this November represents the completion of the Pléiades Neo constellation and the dawn of a new era in very high-resolution Earth observation. Entirely financed, manufactured, owned and operated by Airbus, Pléiades Neo is a breakthrough in the domain, offering 100% commercial availability and a range of never-before-seen opportunities.


Bye bye Pléiades Neo! The twins are now safely stored in the ARIANESPACE launcher fairing. This is the last view of our 2 satellites, all tucked up and ready for launch!

Pléiades Neo encapsulated ready for launch
Pléiades Neo encapsulated ready for launch
Pléiades Neo encapsulated ready for launch
Pléiades Neo encapsulated ready for launch

© 2022 ESA-CNES-ARIANESPACE / Optique vidéo CSG - S.MARTIN


Launch is approaching! Our 2 Pléiades Neo satellites have just been installed on the Vega C adapter. Next steps for the twins: encapsulation in the Arianespace launcher fairing.

Our 2 Pléiades Neo satellites have just been installed on the Vega C adapter
Our 2 Pléiades Neo satellites have just been installed on the Vega C adapter
Our 2 Pléiades Neo satellites have just been installed on the Vega C adapter

© 2022 ESA-CNES-ARIANESPACE / Optique vidéo CSG - S.MARTIN


Our 2 Pléiades Neo satellites are now in stacked configuration, ready to be encapsulated in the launcher fairing! For this double launch onboard the ARIANESPACE Vega-C, planned for 23rd November, Airbus' space engineers came up with a smart and efficient dispenser-free design, where the satellites are stacked on top of each other, linked only by a clamp band.

Our 2 PléiadesNeo satellites are now in stacked configuration, ready to be encapsulated in the launcher fairing
Our 2 PléiadesNeo satellites are now in stacked configuration, ready to be encapsulated in the launcher fairing
Our 2 PléiadesNeo satellites are now in stacked configuration, ready to be encapsulated in the launcher fairing
Our 2 PléiadesNeo satellites are now in stacked configuration, ready to be encapsulated in the launcher fairing
Our 2 PléiadesNeo satellites are now in stacked configuration, ready to be encapsulated in the launcher fairing
Our 2 PléiadesNeo satellites are now in stacked configuration, ready to be encapsulated in the launcher fairing

© 2022 ESA-CNES-ARIANESPACE / Optique vidéo CSG - S.MARTIN

Pléiades Neo: Reaching every Corner of the World
2 million km²

The launch of the final two satellites in the Pléiades Neo constellation means that we’ll soon be able to capture an incredible 2 million km² in very high 30cm resolution every every day…that’s the equivalent of capturing the surface area of the European Union every two days!
Combined with its six spectral bands (including Red Edge and Deep Blue), mono, stereo and tri-stereo acquisitions, and rapid tasking and delivery capabilities, we’re reaching every corner of the globe with the imagery you need to make informed decision faster and with greater confidence.

Pléiades Neo: the final two satellites completing the Family

The Fab Four

With the launch of the final two Pléiades Neo satellites scheduled for November this year, we’re completing the Pléiades Neo family and creating an unrivalled constellation of very-high resolution optical satellites, able to capture imagery at 30cm resolution and with the ability to revisit any point on the globe at least twice daily. What’s more, Pléiades Neo’s reactive tasking ability will enable you to respond to the most critical situations in near real-time, with acquisitions in as little as 25 minutes following a request.


Countdown has commenced

Pléiades Neo 5&6, countdown has commenced ! With 1 month to go, the satellites are ready to launch! The launch of the final two satellites in French Guyana on 23rd November 2022 represents the completion of the Pléiades Neo constellation and the dawn of a new era in very high-resolution Earth observation. Now really is the moment the stars align!

Pléiades Neo launch - Arrival at Kourou Space

Caption image: Pléiades Neo 5&6 at Toulouse Airport- France, ready to fly to Kourou, French Guiana


Pléiades Neo Satellites Arrive in Kourou for Launch

The last two Airbus-built Pléiades Neo imaging satellites have arrived in French Guiana and are now at the European Space Centre in Kourou. Scheduled to launch in November 2022 on a Vega launcher, Pléiades Neo 5&6, the last two of the new generation of very high-resolution satellites will join the existing Airbus fleet of optical and radar satellites, with increased resolution, revisit and coverage.


Unloading of the satellites at Cayenne Airport - French Guiana


Arrival of the satellites at Kourou Space Center


Our latest Pléiades Neo have just been unpacked in Kourou’s cleanroom

Airbus Pléaides Neo 6 - Vaccum Chamber

The last two satellites completing our very high-resolution 30cm constellation are undergoing their environmental, electrical and functional tests at Airbus’ facilities in Toulouse. This image shows Pléiades Neo 6 entering the vacuum chamber for its final test sequence. Both satellites are expected to be completed for shipment to their launch site in Kourou, French Guiana, by early summer. Once in orbit, the full constellation will be able to provide increased coverage of up to 2 million km2 every single day, with improved tasking and delivery…guaranteeing you access whenever you need it!