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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

Application campus Bingladesh chittagong from Pléiades Neo
Pléiades Neo Applications Campus

Airbus and CNES have launching the Applications Campus using Pléiades Neo satellite data. Three calls for innovative projects are scheduled between mid-February and the third quarter of 2024.

French companies and startups, seize the opportunity to develop space-based applications with a global potential, supported by Airbus and the CNES.


In 2024, the CNES and Airbus will launch three calls for projects. Each call invites proposals for space innovation projects using Pléiades Neo data, evaluated by a CNES – Airbus committee.

Selected project receive a Pléiades Neo dataset, Open Source tools and comprehensive human, technical and business support. The support phase includes guidance with the marketing of the service at the end of the innovation project.

The third call for projects 2024 begins on 16th July, 2024.


Get started with application file

The Applications Campus offers a unique opportunity to de-risk your innovation projects and refine your business model, with access to Pléiades Neo data.

Emmanuel FLORY

Responsible for solutions and future services, Airbus

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Pléiades Neo applications campus rules
Project support

The CNES and Airbus support selected projects by:

  • Providing resources for developing specific solutions or tools,
  • Granting access to Pléiades Neo dataset archive via a technical evaluation license,
  • Offering human, technical and business expertise throughout project implementation.

The Pléiades Neo Applications Campus endowment includes resources, involvement of CNES/Airbus teams and provision of Pléiades Neo satellite data, for an estimated value of around €10,000, without exchange of funds.

Support begins upon signing a tripartite agreement between the CNES, Airbus and the project leader, for a typical duration of one year.

Intellectual property

The CNES and Airbus grant the project leader a free and non-exclusive license to use the tools making up the Common Technical Base for carrying out the innovation project. Usage rights for Pléiades Neo data are governed by the Technical Evaluation License provided here.

Project already selected

Detection and characterisation illegal dumping using Artificial Intelligence applied Pléiades Neo images 

Third calls for projects

The third call for projects for the Pléiades Neo Applications Campus begins on 16th July, 2024.  It aims to develop space application offers using Pléiades Neo data:

  • for national and international markets
  • with a significant business orientation



The third call for projects integrates all of Pléiades Neo’s vertical markets:

  • Civil Engineering, Infrastructure
  • Defence and Security
  • Mobility, Transport, Aviation
  • Finance, Economic indicators
  • Mapping & Territorial Management
  • Urban planning
  • Industrial and natural risks
  • Insurance
  • Energy, Mining
  • Maritime
  • Forest, Environment, Agriculture
  • Natural resource management, Biodiversity, Hydrology
  • Littoral



For this third call for projects, applications must be submitted no later than October 11, 2024 by completing the form.

Selection criteria

  • Commercial potential of the proposed application
  • Innovative nature of the proposed solution
  • Relevance of Pléiades Neo data for the proposed application
  • Involvement of the future service operator and end users

Selection calendar

  • 16th July, 2024: Launch Call for projects n°3
  • 11th October, 2024: Closing date for submission of applications
  • 8th November, 2024: Return to the candidates
  • 15th December, 2024: Signature of agreements with selected holders


For any questions, you can contact: or

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