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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

Airbus Logo

Defence and Space

Your Trusted Partner for Geospatial Data and Defence Solutions image

Our Worldwide Presence

A unique footprint with a global reach

Airbus DS is present in 10 countries around the world

Our offices around the world

Premium and local customer service

As part of Airbus, we benefit from its worldwide presence with around 148,000 employees and 180 locations around the globe. Airbus Intelligence has 2,100 passionate employees operating across 22 sites in 10 countries. Together with our extensive network of distributors and partners, we ensure a local presence by your side.



Connect with our local team!

Direct Receiving Stations (DRS)

Our 29 DRS partners have a direct access to our satellite constellation, benefiting from unparalleled coverage at special prices, with reactivity in tasking and download. Products are distributed to defence and security end-users, national institutions or commercial markets.

Direct Receiving Station - Antenna

Certified channel partners

145 channel partners and resellers in 55 countries support local customers with their specific expertise and are the go-to-source for our products and services. 

Commercial Satellites Network Across the World

Are you already one of our partners?

We provide you with a dedicated portal where you can access up-to-date information on our products.